Guangzhou Minder-Hightech Co., Ltd.

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product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-42
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  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System
  • Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System

Halfgeleier Vervaardiging Optiese meting Toets outonome optiese wafer 2D&3D Inspeksie AOI System

Produk Beskrywing

Wafer 2D & 3D Optical Inspeksie AOI-stelsel

product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-55
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-56
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-57
Inleiding tot Hoofmodules


1. Manually load 12-inch FOUPs or 8-inch cassettes onto the loading position
2. Dual-arm design to reduce waiting time for changing wafers.
3. Compatible with 8-inch and 12-inch product alignment, and can also be customized for 6-inch wafers.


1. Flying capture for image acquisition and inspection.
2. Able to detect 3D information such as Bump height and coplanarity.
3. Achieves sub-micron precision.
4. Calculation results are available immediately after scanning
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-58
Product Type
6",8",12" wafer, 2.5D/3D verpakking
2D inspeksie
Vreemde voorwerpe, oorblywende gom, deeltjies, skrape, krake, kontaminasie, CP-afwyking, oormatige naaldmerke, ens.
2D Metrologie
Stampdeursnee, naaldmerkkoördinate, RDL- en TSV-metrologie, ens.
Stamphoogte, Stamp-samestelling
Kasset en oordragmetode
8"SMIF, 12" FOUP of kombinasie
Lens en resolusie
Opsioneel en pasgemaak
Dubbelzijdige OCR, 3D-module, ondersteun deur E84
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-59

Sagteware Inleiding

1.Ondersteun multi-vlak toestemmings en toestemming werking log funksies
2.Die toerusting-kieslysbalk dek 'n wye verskeidenheid funksies
3. Genereer outomaties kartering en produksie verslae
4.Displays taak status in real-time.
5. Kombineer tradisionele algoritmes met Al vir vinnige en akkurate defek
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-60
Verpakking en aflewering
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-61
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-62
Minder-Hightech is verkoops- en diensverteenwoordiger in halfgeleier- en elektroniese produkindustrietoerusting. Die maatskappy is daartoe verbind om kliënte van voortreflike, betroubare en eenstopoplossings vir masjinêre toerusting te voorsien.
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-63
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-64
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-65
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-66
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-67
Besigheids Profiel
Semi-outomatiese PET-bottelblaasmasjien Bottelmakmasjien Bottelvormmasjien PET-bottelmakmasjien is geskik vir die vervaardiging van PET-plastiekhouers en bottels in alle vorme.
Algemene vrae

1. Oor prys:
Al ons pryse is mededingend en onderhandelbaar. Die prys wissel na gelang van die kompleksiteit van die konfigurasie en aanpassing van jou toestel.

2. Oor Voorbeeld:
Ons kan voorbeeldproduksiedienste vir u verskaf, maar u kan 'n paar fooie voorsien.

3. Oor betaling:
Nadat die plan bevestig is, moet u eers 'n deposito aan ons betaal, en die fabriek sal begin om die goedere voor te berei. Na die
toerusting gereed is en jy betaal die balans, ons sal dit stuur.

4. Oor aflewering:
Nadat die vervaardiging van toerusting voltooi is, sal ons vir jou die aanvaardingsvideo stuur, en jy kan ook na die werf kom om die toerusting te inspekteer.

5. Installasie en ontfouting:
Nadat die toerusting by u fabriek aangekom het, kan ons ingenieurs uitstuur om die toerusting te installeer en te ontfout. Ons sal u 'n aparte kwotasie vir hierdie diensfooi voorsien.

6. Oor waarborg:
Ons toerusting het 'n waarborgperiode van 12 maande. Na die waarborgtydperk, indien enige onderdele beskadig is en vervang moet word, sal ons slegs die kosprys hef.


product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-73ondersoek product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-74E-posadres product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-75WhatsApp product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-76 WeChat
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-77
product semiconductor manufacture optical measurement testing autonomous optical wafer 2d3d inspection aoi system566-78Top

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