Guangzhou Minder-Hightech Co., Ltd.

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product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-42
Начало> Semicon Inspect
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform
  • Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform

Полупроводникови интегрални схеми Електронни продукти Детектор за течове Хелиево флуорно масло Оборудване He & Fluorine Charge Platform България

Описание на продукта

He & Fluorine Charge Platform

Our company's MDNY-YAYD160 series helium/fluorine oil pressure equipment, combined with helium mass spectrometer leak detector and heavy fluorine oil heating leak detector, is an automated helium/fluorine oil pressure equipment designed for fine and coarse inspection of electronic components such as integrated circuits, semiconductor devices, and electronic products.
Fluorine oil/helium gas has excellent dielectric properties, chemical inertness, electrical insulation, and high and low
temperature resistance. It is non corrosive to electronic components and does not affect their various parameters. Make it an ideal leak detection medium for electronic component leak testing.
The principle of helium pressurization fine inspection: First, place the original device in a sealed container that can be
pressurized, and pressurize the component with helium for a certain period of time. If there is a leak in the component, helium gas is forced into the inner cavity. Then remove the tested component and place it in the detection box of the helium mass spectrometer leak detector for vacuum leak detection. If there is a leak in the component, the helium gas entering its inner cavity will overflow into the leak detector, and the leak detector will display the leakage rate.
The principle of fluorine oil leak detection method is that the molecules of the leak detection medium are small, so even small leaks can pass through. If there are leaks in the device, light fluorine oil/helium gas will enter the device under pressure during pressurization. Due to the boiling point temperature of light fluorine oil being about 45.7 ℃, when placed in heavy fluorine oil at a temperature of 125 ℃, the light fluorine oil quickly vaporizes, causing a rapid increase in pressure inside the component cavity. The gas inside the cavity will emerge from the leak, resulting in the appearance of bubbles in high boiling fluorine oil.
All valve bodies of this equipment are controlled by electric ball valves, which can be operated with one click through a PLC based control system. And equipped with a touch screen, it can constantly observe the pressure and liquid level inside the pressurized fluorine oil/helium tank.
This device has a compact overall structure, is easy to move, is easy to operate, has high detection efficiency, and is long-term safe and reliable. The appearance of the equipment is shown in the diagram:
product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-55
product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-56
Напрежение / мощност
220V / 1100W
Работно налягане
600kpa ± 20kpa
Fluorine oil tank capacity
Fluorine/helium tank capacity
12 L
1080 * 720 * 1422 мм (дължина * ширина * височина)
Тегло на оборудването
Обща структура на оборудването
product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-57
product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-58

Електрически интерфейс:

On the left side of the device is the circuit part, which is distributed in sequence with the main power socket, grounding pole, and main power switch. On the right side of the equipment is the gas path section, which is sequentially distributed with helium interface, nitrogen interface, and exhaust interface. After the device is in place, plug in the corresponding power connector and connect the corresponding air circuit as shown in the figure.

Pressure helium/fluorine oil tank:

The overall material is made of stainless steel, with four locking mechanisms evenly distributed on the main body of the can. The can lid is welded with a stainless steel handle, making it easy for people to flip the lid. When the lid is flipped over, it can be kept at a safe angle. Before pressurizing helium/fluorine oil, use a locking mechanism to lock the tank cover. The top of the locking mechanism is equipped with a five-star handle nut for easy locking by people.
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product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-60

Fluorine oil tank

The main body of the tank is made of stainless steel material, and the bottom is equipped with an oil drain valve. After using the fluorine oil in the tank for a period of time, the drain valve can be opened to discharge the fluorine oil from the tank, and then the fluorine oil can be filtered and re injected. (Fluorine oil can be injected from the pressurized helium/fluorine oil tank above)
Интерфейс за състоянието на системата
product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-61
Опаковане и доставка
product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-62
product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-63
Профил на компанията
Minder-Hightech е търговски и сервизен представител на полупроводниково и електронно оборудване за индустрията. Компанията се ангажира да предоставя на клиентите превъзходни, надеждни и универсални решения за машинно оборудване.
Често задавани
1. За цената:
Всички наши цени са конкурентни и по договаряне. Цената варира в зависимост от конфигурацията и сложността на персонализиране на вашето устройство.

2. За пробата:
Можем да предоставим услуги за производство на проби за вас, но може да предоставите някои такси.

3. Относно плащането:
След като планът бъде потвърден, първо трябва да ни платите депозит и фабриката ще започне да подготвя стоките. След като
оборудването е готово и вие плащате остатъка, ние ще го изпратим.

4. Относно доставката:
След като производството на оборудването приключи, ние ще ви изпратим видеозаписа за приемане и можете също да дойдете на обекта, за да инспектирате оборудването.

5. Инсталиране и отстраняване на грешки:
След като оборудването пристигне във вашата фабрика, можем да изпратим инженери за инсталиране и отстраняване на грешки в оборудването. Ние ще ви предоставим отделна оферта за тази такса за услугата.

6. Относно гаранцията:
Нашата техника е с 12 месеца гаранционен срок. След гаранционния период, ако някои части са повредени и трябва да бъдат сменени, ние ще таксуваме само себестойността.


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product semiconductor integrated circuits electronic products leak detector helium fluorine oil equipment he  fluorine charge platform-74Топ

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