Guangzhou Minder-Hightech Co., Ltd.

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Heim> Semicon Inspect
  • Hálfleiðarabúnaður þéttingarprófun lekagreiningar MDNY-YHYD160 þrýstibúnaður með helíumflúorolíu
  • Hálfleiðarabúnaður þéttingarprófun lekagreiningar MDNY-YHYD160 þrýstibúnaður með helíumflúorolíu
  • Hálfleiðarabúnaður þéttingarprófun lekagreiningar MDNY-YHYD160 þrýstibúnaður með helíumflúorolíu
  • Hálfleiðarabúnaður þéttingarprófun lekagreiningar MDNY-YHYD160 þrýstibúnaður með helíumflúorolíu

Hálfleiðarabúnaður þéttingarprófun lekagreiningar MDNY-YHYD160 þrýstibúnaður með helíumflúorolíu


MDNY-YHYD160 Pressure Helium Fluorine Oil equipment

MDNY-YHYD160 is an automated leak detection device specifically designed for fine and coarse inspection of electronic components such as semiconductor devices, integrated circuits, and electronic products.
The device is equipped with a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller), which can automatically control and operate the entire leak detection process, effectively preventing misoperation and improving leak detection efficiency.
And a photoelectric detection device is installed on the nitrogen tank of the equipment, which can monitor the oil level inside the nitrogen tank at any time.
This device has a high degree of automation and high reliability.
It can be used in conjunction with helium mass spectrometer leak detector and heavy fluorine oil heater to perform the entire fine and coarse inspection process of electronic components.
The MDNY-YHYD160 helium fluorine oil pressurization instrument, when combined with a heavy fluorine oil heating instrument and a helium mass spectrometer leak detector, can easily complete the leak detection requirements for electronic and semiconductor devices specified in GJB36A-96, GJB548-96A, and GJB128A-97 standards.
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product semiconductor device sealing test leak detect mdny yhyd160 pressure helium fluorine oil equipment-48


PLC control, touch screen operation; Automatic control of liquid level height and display of process status;
Helium and fluorine oil are separated and operated independently, flexible and non interfering with each other;
Valves, pipelines, flanges, pressure tanks, and oil storage tanks are made of stainless steel;
The oil filter tank can filter out solid particles of 1 μ m, ensuring the cleanliness of fluorine oil.
Main technical functions:
Mechanical pump pumping speed
4L / s
Bipolar rotary vane vacuum pump
Dimensions of pressurized helium/pressurized fluorine oil tanks
Sérhannaðar stærð
tómarúm gráðu
Helium filling pressure
0.2-0.6Mpa, adjustable
1-10 hours, adjustable
Mechanical pump
4L / s
1 stykki
Pressurized helium tank
1 stykki
Fluorine pressurized oil tank
1 stykki
Geymsla tankur
1 stykki
Segulloka loki
1 setja
þrýstingur skynjari
1 setja
Liquid level meter
1 setja
1 setja
Rafknúið stjórnkerfi
1 setja
Light fluorine oil (optional)
1 drum (20KG)
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The container has a certain depth to ensure that the distance between the inspected item and the liquid surface after immersion is greater than 50mm;
The inner surface has a non reflective black background; Equipped with a 3x magnifying glass and adjustable angle;
The light source installed on the instrument is sufficient and emits parallel light;
The illuminance inside the instrument is greater than 1.61 × 105lX, and the light source has no strong incident or reflected light on the observer;
The heating temperature is controllable and adjustable, and the time for placing leak detection reminders can be set.


stipulates that particles larger than 1 μm are not allowed in high boiling point fluorine oil (FC43). However, in actual leak detection, due to the influence of the tested object and environmental factors, some impurities will gradually
accumulate in the oil, increasing the turbidity of the fluorine oil and making it difficult to observe. Therefore, heavy fluorine
oil should be filtered regularly, and the heavy fluorine oil container is equipped with a drain port, which can conveniently store heavy fluorine oil. Heavy fluorine oil can be stored in a pot after natural cooling to reduce waste caused by natural
Vísir virka:
125 ℃ ± 5 ℃
Heat from room temperature to 125 ℃ ≤30 minutes
Stærð gáma
Observation window size
200 * 135mm
Observation window function
Equipped with an adjustable angle magnifying glass
Leak detection time setting
Can set timed alarms
Tæmdu olíuna
The container is equipped with an oil discharge port
Filtering function (optional)
It has a circulating filtration function that can filter out 1μm impurities in heavy fluorine oil
1 setja
1 setja
Heavy fluorine oil container
Adjustable angle, 3x
Retrieval device
1 size each
Heavy fluorine oil (optional)
Pökkun og afhending
product semiconductor device sealing test leak detect mdny yhyd160 pressure helium fluorine oil equipment-50
product semiconductor device sealing test leak detect mdny yhyd160 pressure helium fluorine oil equipment-51
Til að tryggja betur öryggi vöru þinnar verður veitt fagleg, umhverfisvæn, þægileg og skilvirk umbúðaþjónusta.
Company Profile
Minder-Hightech er sölu- og þjónustufulltrúi í búnaði fyrir hálfleiðara og rafeindavöruiðnað. Fyrirtækið hefur skuldbundið sig til að veita viðskiptavinum framúrskarandi, áreiðanlegar og eins stöðva lausnir fyrir vélbúnað.
1. Um verð:
Öll verð okkar eru samkeppnishæf og samningsatriði. Verðið er breytilegt eftir stillingum og aðlögunarflækjum tækisins þíns.

2. Um sýnishorn:
Við getum veitt sýnishorn framleiðsluþjónustu fyrir þig, en þú gætir veitt einhver gjöld.

3. Um greiðslu:
Eftir að áætlunin hefur verið staðfest þarftu að greiða okkur innborgun fyrst og verksmiðjan mun byrja að undirbúa vörurnar. Eftir að
búnaður er tilbúinn og þú borgar eftirstöðvar, við sendum það.

4. Um afhendingu:
Eftir að búnaðarframleiðslu er lokið munum við senda þér samþykkismyndbandið og þú getur líka komið á síðuna til að skoða búnaðinn.

5. Uppsetning og villuleit:
Eftir að búnaðurinn kemur í verksmiðjuna þína getum við sent verkfræðinga til að setja upp og kemba búnaðinn. Við munum veita þér sérstaka tilvitnun fyrir þetta þjónustugjald.

6. Um ábyrgð:
Búnaðurinn okkar er með 12 mánaða ábyrgðartíma. Eftir ábyrgðartímabilið, ef einhverjir hlutar eru skemmdir og þarf að skipta um, munum við aðeins rukka kostnaðarverðið.


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